Gestalt Practicum: A Six-Day Intensive in Gestalt Practice
July 30 – August 4, 2016
Christine Price, Dorothy Charles, and guest teachers
This workshop is designed for people who would like to explore the Gestalt Practice form in theory as well as through personal practice. Participants will have the opportunity to experience this work from the seat of the explorer (Initiator) and supporter (Reflector). Those in the helping profession who are interested in integrating this approach into their current practice may find this program especially useful.
The format will include
For those considering application to the long-term study programs slated to begin in 2017, this workshop is a prerequisite. To attend the Practicum, previous experience is required – see below.
The prerequisite for participation in this workshop is having previously participated in an open seat group or work scholar month with one of the leaders. Those without this previous experience can consider the workshops listed below to fulfill this prerequisite.
Workshops offered before the Practicum:
Those attending the Practicum must have attended an open seat workshop. The upcoming workshops listed below can offer that experience, thereby creating the option to attend the Practicum. Use the links to find more information and how to register.
Weekly Relational Gestalt Group, Dorothy Charles (Aptos, CA): Begins May 31, 2016
Relational Gestalt Practice, Dorothy Charles (Big Sur, CA): May 22-27, 2016
Open Seat Intensive, Christine Price (Aptos, CA): June 12-15, 2016*
Open Seat Intensive, Christine Price (Aptos, CA): July 8-10, 2016*
*Chris’s Open Seat workshops require completion of her Introduction to GAP workshop within the last three years. If you need to fulfill this prerequisite, there is one offered June 10-12, 2016.
If you have previously attended a practicum, study group, or other form of long-term study with Chris and/or Dorothy, check with them regarding whether this practicum is required for you to attend the upcoming long-term study group.
Registration information:
Please complete the Practicum Registration Form and return it to You will then receive an email with information on how to send in a nonrefundable deposit to secure your place.
If you have any questions, please email
Optional Reading for Practicum
Chris recommends:
Gestalt Therapy Verbatim by Fredrick S. Perls
When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron
Dorothy recommends:
Gestalt Therapy Theory and Practice by Patricia Korb et al.
Awareness: Dialog and Process by Gary Yontef