Steve Waldrip
Steve has been a teacher in the Diamond Approach’s Ridhwan School since 2004 and a student of Hameed Ali and Karen Johnson, the founders of that work, since 1986. He is on the faculty of the European Seminary, assists annually in several retreats here and abroad and maintains a private practice from his home on the central coast of California.
For 22 years, Steve was a hospice chaplain. He co-leads the annual Tribal Ground Living and Dying workshop and other programs. With a background in outdoor education and a former senior staff instructor at NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School), he feels most at home in wilderness settings and is enlivened by any contact with the natural world.
Steve is committed to the practice of open-ended inquiry. He appreciates how participants bring different energies and qualities to a circle and how that evolves as they work together, creating a unique field.