Working with dreams can take us anywhere: from the personal to the transpersonal, from problem solving to sacred space. We start with the most ordinary images… “There’s nothing to this dream…” and enter the apparently inconsequential details. By opening to the nuances of image, sensation, association, movement, and meaning, we often arrive at a sense of insight.
We take that which is puzzling, cloudy, doesn’t make “any sense” and enter it sensually, finding a door to a new view. In the midst of working with a dream, an ordinary dream that didn’t stand out, we may discover a sophisticated template for understanding our path or a precise reflection of a complex dilemma that’s been overwhelming us. Or we step into someone else’s dream – nothing to do with us, so clearly about their issues, their personality – and find ourselves revealed, thrown into an awakening of who we are.
Who is that Inner Dreamer, the one inside who is this clear, this insightful? How can we access this inner knowing capable of cutting through to the heart of things, wise enough to understand our complexity and mirror it back to us with such simplicity? Meeting that part of yourself can be a blessing, and you may meet this through working the dreams you send yourself.
I believe that in a dream, we have a clear existential message of what’s missing in our lives, what we avoid doing and living…
~Fritz Perls, Gestalt Therapy Verbatim
In gestalt dream work, as in all forms of gestalt practice, there is no analysis, no interpretation. You, as your Inner Dreamer, are respected as the expert on your dreams. You enter and become aspects of your dream to see what you are revealing to yourself, what messages, meanings, possibilities you are bringing into awareness. This process is also fruitful when applied to other images: daydreams, art, visions, totems, memories. If you don’t have much recall of nighttime dreams, you can work with these other doors.
A dream is a wish your heart makes when you’re fast asleep. ~Cinderella (per Disney)
As a group, we explore through guided imagery, paired exercises, whole group process, and some individual work (dream open seat). Not everyone gets an individual session within the group space, but all get a chance to explore their dreams and how to continue dream work after the workshop.
Note: Attendance at Introduction to GAP workshop with Christine Price within the past three years, or having done at least two workshops at some other time is required before taking this group. It is strongly suggested that participants write down dream images daily for at least two weeks before the workshop.
Dogs will be present in our workshop space and often are our greatest teachers. If for any reason it doesn’t work for you to have canine companions in the group space, contact us and hopefully we can refer you to a different workshop date.
To register, send an email to You will receive a response with information on how to secure your place in the workshop by paying a $220 non-refundable deposit by check or PayPal. Balance of payment is due at the beginning of the workshop. Upon registration, we will send a list of nearby accommodations and restaurants for those who are coming from out of town.